Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March 26, 2014, 237.2 lbs

Dear Diary,
Today I woke up with one thing on my mind. Huh? Ok you're right. Today I woke up with two things on my mind. I accomplished one of them already. I got my wake up call badge. I did some investigating and found out that I fell short of getting it yesterday by 3 f***ing points. Huh? That is no place for a thats what she said joke. Its not like TLO makes me aware of a scoring system that gets me hooked up. Not like that stanking fuel band app. Its not perfect but it helps track your workouts. Yesterday I came prematurely; to the end of my workout that is. I wasn't gonna let that happen again. I had a plan. Today when it was time to rise, I took my little blue pill...for my thyroid. That gives me the energy I need to keep it up; the running that is. Went another 3 miles this morning. I just kept pounding and pounding and pounding until I 7 am. Thats when the time to earn the badge was over; I had climaxed. I reached my peak. No! I didn't roll over and go back to sleep. What the hell do you think I'm talking about? No a**hole, just no. Huh? That's not what she said! But she didn't say yes either.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 25, 2014, 237.0 lbs

Dear Diary,
I failed. 

P.S. F*** you. I didn't mean in that way, but sure I could have been a better friend to you. I just choose not to. I do exactly the bare minimum to maintain whatever this is we have here. I'm not wasting energy and effort that I don't need to to please you. In that sense I'm pretty successful. Economy of effort.  I wasn't successful this morning. I was trying to earn a nike fuel badge for early morning activity and came up just short. Don't know exactly how short,  but... Dude, there is no room here for a Kevin Hart joke. Well okay. He is short and there is always room for him since he is so small. Funny. It wasn't funny that I went all out to reach that goal and came up short.  I mean I ran my best mile and had to come pretty close to my best 5k, but all I felt after finishing was disappointed. I went after a very specific goal, didn't reach it, and can't see the exact results. Its just that I didn't get it. I failed. No wiggle room.  No explanation was gonna get me over the line. No gray area. Next time I will make sure I do more than enough. No economy of effort in this situation. Gotta over do it. That was a real wake up call, which appropriately is the name of the badge. Huh? Keep your 2 cents to yourself. You will receive even less effort. A**hole.

Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014, 236.2 lbs

Dear Diary,
It's the same old story. Been busy. At least this time I have some thing to show for it. Huh? I know what you mean. All those times I go out running and came back with nothing. This time I've come back with a medal for the LA Big 5k. Uh, yeah I've heard of Brokeback Mountain but what does that have to do with this? Dude, this is different. All those times I went out I was really running. I came back with sweat and personal records. When they went fishing and never came back with fish, they weren't really fishing. At least I don't think so. And no! I don't know if they were sweating like me. I never watched the movie. What I did watch was all of the people I passed by during my run on Saturday. It was great. I didn't beat my best time but I ran well. And that was in spite of the 3,300 people in my way and all of those hills. Nope. I did not mean mountains and my back is just fine a**hole. I told you that movie has nothing to do with this. I wish I knew how to quit you. That way I wouldn't have to deal with your stupidity. This is why I have not spoken to you in a while. What?!?! "Friend, that's more words than you've spoke in the past two weeks!?!?" That's what you have to say to me? No apology for your stupidity? You keep this s**t up and I won't speak to you ever again! Huh? No I do not want to go fishing with you.