Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 6, Day 244, 228.4 lbs, 32% bf

Dear Diary,
What the good body giveth, the good body taketh. Huh? No I'm not saying I've got a good body, but I'd love to hear someone else that thinks I do. I realize that I'm not there yet, so I won't complain about that. At least not now. But I'm working towards it. After yesterday's workouts I replaced all the water I burned off and then some. Huh? Fine. I did have some sweets too. I was at a baby shower. Plus I had some kool aid. Don't talk s**t. It was the only thing there was to drink. Huh? What flavor? It was red, a**. What kind of question was that? Your dumb a** should know what kind of kool aid black people drink. That's not cruel. The body is cruel when you take it out of its comfort zone. It makes you pay a huge cost for making it uncomfortable. I figure I should get my money's worth if I have to pay, so this morning I rode the bike for another 20 miles, did 100 push ups and 100 sit ups, and jogged a mile before the rain kicked in. It didn't result in a weight loss compared to yesterday, but it's not as bad as it could have been. F***ing baby shower cake!

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