Thursday, January 23, 2014

January 23, 2013, 237.0

Dear Diary,
You know how they say a body in motion tends to stay in motion and a body at rest tends to stay at rest? Yeah, inertia. Well that s**t didn't really apply to me today. I've been in motion walking and jogging for the last 10 days straight, but today I didn't want to keep going. I motioned towards the front door when I really wanted to go back to sleep. But a funny thing happened. Huh? Not that funny a**hole. I went out the door. And when l got out there I jogged my best timed mile, even though I spent the first few seconds telling myself I was just going to walk today. As I turned the corner I just started jogging and inertia took over. At least for that first mile. Huh? Ok fine, yes I only beat my best time by a second, but... f*** you. I'll take whatever victory I can get, even if its only me beating myself. And you better hope that doesn't stop, because if it does I'm gonna start beating your punk a**. And you know what they say about a body in motion...

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