Dear Diary,
Just when I thought I had it all figured out. S**t changes so fast. The reality is that this was no setback. I didn't eat junk yesterday. I didn't eat too much. I exercised and did what I needed to do to burn calories and keep hope alive. Huh? I don't think he has that copyrighted. F*** it, even if he does, he'll never read this s**t so we're cool. Or at least I'm cool. You're really awkward...kinda like that silence. Well anyway, I just drank too much, too late. After riding for about 75 minutes I got up and decided to make my breakfast for the rest of the week. Huh? Simple really. I drop a couple egg whites in a bowl with some pepper, parsley and turkey bacon, then I nuke it for minute or so. Its like a little omelette. Drop it on a piece of toast with some spinach between and its good to go. While putting all of that together I put down a protein shake. It was around midnight. And don't you start with that gremlins s**t again! I knew this would happen, but I did it anyway. I figured the benefits would be greater than the short term weight gain it would bring. What can I say? I was thirsty my friend. Huh? No. We're not friends. And there are definitely no benefits. Well actually. I will f*** you...up.
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