Dear Diary,
The key to running is to just start running. At least I think it is. I wasn't having the best of luck with keys anyway. Found mine in the washer last night, but that is neither here or there. Wasn't feeling the jog this morning. I'm still a bit sick and if I'm telling the truth these early morning runs probably aren't helping. I had a hard time getting out of the house. I couldn't find that damned key that I had lost and found yesterday. Found it under a remote and got out of the house. Uh, no. That would not have been the first place you looked. A**. Anyways, I found it and was on my merry way. And at a good pace I might add. The key to a good run in my mind is to do what is comfortable for you, but try to do it a little faster and longer than the day before. Still, something told me to turn around. Usually that's just me wanting to quit, so I initially ignored it. When I finally listened I realized that I lost my key. Backtracked and found it sitting on the sidewalk about 5 feet from my front door. The key to getting back in the house is not to lose your key. Glad I listened. Uh, no. Not to you a**hole. You give horrible advice. Also, yes. I'm glad I got in some mileage. These miles ain't gonna run themselves. Uh, no. I'm not giving you the key to not getting your a** kicked. I'm not open to that...
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