Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 23, Day 169, 234.4 lbs, 33% bf

Dear Scale,
This is acceptable based on the good time I had in Hawaii. I'm not heartbroken, but you have to see that its crazy how quickly you can gain weight when you just don't pay attention. I keep saying that I won't gain all of this weight that I've lost back, but a week like this is just f***ing scary. And really, how many weeks like that am I gonna have? Even if I lived in Hawaii, I'd have to go to work at some point. Plus you don't accidentally gain back 40 lbs. But it does appear that you can get 9 lbs back, even when you're paying a little attention and trying to stave it off. F***it. Que sera sera. Huh? I'm note really sure of the language, but who gives a f***. Whatever will be, will be. Just know that I'm back in control of what will be. What will be eaten, what will be done to get it off. I'm about to be on one. On another note,  I will not blame you for this 9 lb gain over the course of the last week. Some of it is water and the rest is probably burger. Either way it has to go.  Now please excuse me while I slip into something more comfortable. Like a lesser weight.

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