Saturday, September 3, 2011

September 3, Day 180, 228.8 lbs, 43% bf

Dear Diary,
What the f*** is going on with your boy? You better tell that muthaf***a something before I end him. Does he care whether he lives or dies? Cause right now I don't. That a**hole is a menace to the size of me. I mean we both know the scale doesn't do a good job on the body fat front, but you've gotta be f***ing kidding me. Forty three percent? That would mean that somehow I gained about 25+ lbs of pure fat last night. No hold on I'm not done... While losing weight. Ok now give me your dumb f***ing explanation. Really? You know you done f**ed up, don't you? You know it, don't you? You know you done f***ed up. Oh I did too? Well the burger, chili dogs, and cupcakes I ate between lunch and dinner last night could be categorized as f*** ups. Yes. And the reality is, that I still lost weight, because I went hard last night and this morning. Rode the exercise bike for over 90 minutes and went for 26 miles last night, before walking/jogging 10.66 miles in two hours and 50 minutes this morning. Those aren't f*** ups, and if they are I need to f*** up more often. Another thing I need to do more often is stop eating in places where I see a lot a really big people eating all of the time. F*** the calorie count. If its bulls**t, its bulls**t and I shouldn't be putting it in me. Kinda like that thing with your mom. I feel sorry for your mother. That s**ts for another day though. But believe me Dear Diary, I'm gonna keep filling you with loads of bulls**t. And...Let me hear it. Ahhh. I love it when fake like you're grateful. Its my pleasure and you're welcome. A**hole.
PS. Actually you're a reverse a**hole, cause I'm filling you with s**t.

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