Friday, September 30, 2011

September 30, Day 207, 229.2 lbs, 31% bf

Dear Diary,
I know you felt like you got off easy today because I didn't put my foot knee deep in your paper mache a**. I was busy, so get the f*** over it. Just like I need to get over the disappointment of sabotaging myself every time I get close to 225. That s**t seems like some mythical weight that I can't get too. Its my f***in unicorn weight. Might as well be a unicorn that shoots glitter out of its a**. Thats about how realistic 225 and below is to me right now. I'm so mad about this crap that when I catch that damned unicorn I'm gonna put my foot knee deep in ITS a** so the glitter gets all backed up and has to come out of its mouth.

I feel like the only way I can get there is to kick it super duper old school and go back to the rules that got me started.

March 8th. 30 days. 265.4 lbs
No red meat

No soda
No candies
No cakes 
No fried foods

For some reason thats confusing to me, I just don't feel like I can do it again. But the problem is that I let this bulls**t creep back in to what I eat regularly so I need to do it again. Its not like I'm abusing it. Ok I did have two cupcakes last night after eating a couple of small little pastry things in the morning at work, but I can quit anytime. F*** I sound like a drug addict. I need to find a way to quit f***ing up. Or workout even harder. F*** this s**t. Life was so much easier when I was fat and didn't give a f***. Huh? Ok, you got me. I still don't give a f***. 


  1. You have come such a long way!! Great job referring back to the OG set of rules!! That should help you "blow" past your plateau!!

  2. Why thanks for the encouragement Katy Stine...
