Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October 5, Day 212, 226.2 lbs, 33.5% bf

Dear Diary,
Can't you just let me have this? F***. Maybe you can tell me what I did wrong yesterday cause for the life of me, I don't know. Protein shake and fruit for breakfast. No issue there. Had Japanese for lunch. Some rolls and a chicken bowl that I didn't finish. Then for dinner I had some fish, rice and vegetables that TLO made. Maybe I had too much rice yesterday. What the f*** ever. My dessert of 27.5 miles on the bike should have helped me out in that area. But nooooo! I had to gain weight. Maybe it was the water. If it was I'll never drink that s**t again. I'm gonna switch to a steady diet of your blood. Huh? Fine. Ok then. Your ink. B***h.


  1. Yo where are you working out at... you seem to need some help...

  2. I'm so tempted to say up in ya. I'm generally working out around the house. Push ups and sit ups anywhere. Hit the bike and weights in the garage. Walking/jogging around the South Bay... You anyone I know?

  3. Yeah... Bootsy it's Ty... I was just reading your blog and you seem to be at a stand still what's your goal weight... no Gym or weights????

  4. Shit I lost 40 lbs... But I have hit a lull. I'd like to get to 200.
    I've used weights, but I'm not trying to get big. I've found that the stuff I've done worked well for me. My lull has coincided with trips to Miami and Waikiiki. I try different things on occasion. The gym is an option, but I never have to wait for a bike in my garage.
