Monday, July 11, 2011

July 11, Day 126, 237.4 lbs, 32% bf

Dear Diary and Scale, 
So I hit a new low yesterday. I was very happy with that. So happy that I went and f***ed it all up. Huh? I deserved it. Well I didn't mean it like that d**kheads. It was a celebration b***hes! I meant that I deserved a treat for my hard work. But believe me, I didn't mean to have it add on like this. I had every intention to work it off. Good intentions? Of course! The road to Hell is paved with them? Are you guys working together against me? Unity?You know what? F*** you. I mean it was sinfully good, but I'll burn you like I should have burned calories before I let you send me there. And yes, I said SHOULD have burned calories. I was gonna hit the bike for a couple of quality hours, but I had errands to run after a long day of investing time in my family. Then I invested some money in my kids in the form of tuition. No I will not invest anything in you. That's like throwing good money after... Hell, you're not even good enough to be called bad money. Let's just say you're a poor investment. After almost falling asleep at the computer I decided to get up and clean the kitchen, scratch that- wash the dishes, and take out the trash somewhere after midnight. I figured since I was burning the midnight oil I might as well burn some calories too. I danced while cleaning hoping it would help out. I threw in some sit ups for good measure as well. All to get to this. An increase. Oh well. At least the cake was worth it. Huh? Increase had nothing to do with you. I'm not giving you anymore cash. I shoulda never gave you ****** money! F*** yo couch!

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