Wednesday, July 13, 2011

July 13, Day 128, 235.8 lbs, 32.5% bf

Dear Diary,
I had such a good ride while watching The Sixth Sense the night before that I decided to make it a whole M. Night Shyamalan week. I think I have enough of his movies that didn't suck to make it through the week. So I hit his second flick. Unbreakable. It's about a regular guy that discovers he is a superhero. So basically my life story. His weakness was water. Mine is, excuse me, was sugar. I'm over that now. Now, this was  not as good as his first, but still a pretty damn good one. Kinda like my entries in you. Uh. Not like that. Why do you always think like that? I've never entered you like that. That would be wrong and just about impossible. Huh? You're f***in kidding me. I know I was drunk, but I couldn't have been that drunk, but that would explain the paper cuts. Uh, sorry? Damn. Where was I? No! I was not up in you! You've gotta stop this or I won't be able to tell you I rode another 25 miles with the EBG last night, got in a few reps on the weight bench, hit some sit ups and got to 80 push ups straight before tapping out. I think that only happened because I realized I was at 80. My mental stop block used to be 50, but I got past that. I think I could reach 100 without killing myself.  My stop block on sit ups is 30 straight. I'm gonna work on moving that to 50 soon. Maybe I just got inspired to be a superhero because of the movie or because of this bible study series that's going on right now, Supernatural.  Not that those are superhero  numbers, but I'm starting to feel like I can fly again and I know that I'm not doing it under my own power, though dumb strength is helpful. Hmmm,  I'd actually need to lose much more weight before I could take flight. I'll just work on trying to dunk a basketball. That would be super enough for me.  Soopamike will rise again!

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