Saturday, May 28, 2011

May 28, Day 82, 244.2 lbs, 34% bf

Dear Diary, 
I'm up this morning riding the bike and watching Soap. This show is wonderful. I never knew how great Benson was. I mean I knew he was funny, but damn! He talked more s**t than I remembered. So much that it seems strangely familiar. But I can't seem to place it.  You can't help me out you stupid muthaf***a?  I should beat the s**t out of you. You have been and continue to be worthless. See oddly enough, the thing is...I don't actually hate you. I'm not too crazy about you, but I don't hate you. It's not even dislike, not that I like you. Don't get me wrong. I don't like you. But I probably could like you if we didn't hate each other so much. Huh? Oh you saw that episode too? You know that I stole that little diatribe? I wouldn't call it stealing. It's more like fair use. And it explains how I feel I about you. Kinda. Except that I truly hate your punk a**. Keeping me honest and dumb s**t like that. I mean I wouldn't lie to myself. Ok I have before. Like telling myself that the big a** carrot cake that the people were eating across from me at lunch yesterday wouldn't hurt. At least I knew I was lying. But hey. One thing I've never lied about was dusting TLO every time we raced. Today is Lyons Family Race Day 2011. Time to kick some a** and take some...Well I really don't have to take any names since I know them already. Here's an opportunity to see if any of this weight loss helps. You better f***ing hope so. 

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