Dear Diary,
Ok so it appears that hot wings are fried, as well are french fries, even if they are covered in cheese. Temptation reared it's ugly head as I stopped at islands to take food to my dealers on Friday. I got a no frills turkey burger. They had avocado and bacon covered burgers along with hot wings and cheddar fries. I had 2 hot wings before thinking, "damn are these fried?" I knew the one cheese covered fry I ate was fried. I felt guilty and sent a message to the wife informing her of my transgression. I also ate another apple to repent. So today we're headed to the zoo. We stopped at McDonalds to fill the kids up and I had the oatmeal. Not bad at all. I'm sure I'll be having it again soon. The boy didn't finish his hotcakes and sausage and she asked if I wanted the rest. Now please note that I made no commitment in regards to pork. In fact it is the other white meat. Couldn't get further from red, but I still caught some heat from the lovely one when she saw that I had maybe half of a sausage patty. Screw you temptation. Well we're off to waste an incredible amount of money in San Diego after which we won't be able to afford breakfast anymore so I should be ok.
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