Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 1, Day 86, 242.8 lbs, 36% bf

Dear Diary, 
I feel much better. Yes. I know you don't give a f***. But that's ok. I don't need a f*** from you, so there.  I'm not looking for your approval either. Okay? Say something. Please!?! Fine. I don't care anyway. I've got great things going on that have nothing to do with you. I got in a good workout last night and some light cardio this morning. You have to do it when the opportunity presents itself, even when things are tight. Just keep plugging away and eventually things will come together. If they don't, at least you tried. Because of that effort.  I already know that today will be better than yesterday. The best part of yesterday was the beginning, where I sang in the car until I was hoarse, and the end with dinner with the fam, bible study and the workout. The day was like a s**tty sandwich with great bread and rancid meat. But I sang the f*** out of the high notes on Trey Songz 'Made to be Together.' A few months ago I'd have figured that song was about me and a Big Mac.   Speaking of  high notes, I reached a new low. And that's all I have to say about that, lest you try to f*** that up for me. So f*** you d**khead. See?!? I give a f***. Seacrest out. 


  1. i believe i have figured out how to follow u via my blogspot account and can now comment here without much ado. i also believe ur trey songz high notes weren't as good as u probably believe them to have been.

  2. I guarantee you I didn't think they were very good at all...
