Dear Diary,
What's popping? Its Thursday, and... Well f*** its just another f***ed up Thursday. Nothing special about that at all. Kinda like you. Nothing special at all. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday have the weekend thing going for it. Monday's suck for most people and though I love it as an escape from my weakends, I can see why they feel that way. But say what you will, at least people have a strong feeling about it. Wednesday is hump day and people feel like they can see the weekend from there, so thats pretty good. Tuesdays are pretty close to Thursdays, in the s**tty day of the week pecking order, but at least I've got a good bible study to go to. Just leaving Thursdays. Oh yeah. I go to my mother in laws on Thursdays. See I told you that day was f***ed up. She used to cook every week which was pretty good and probably a portion of the reason I gained so much weight, but it was greatly appreciated. Now all she does is look cute and talk about her boyfriend and basketball. Since she doesn't cook I usually stop and grab some San Sai or Chipotle on the way over. It used to be catfish nuggets and shrimp. Damn. Now that I'm putting this down I realize how much I miss those old days. I used to f*** that stuff up. Huge portions of fried food. Then I'd take my fat a** home and sit down to watch TV and go to bed after midnight. I was bound to have a heart attack if I'd have kept that up. I guess I don't miss being on the road to a heart attack. I can't recall the exact thing that made me start really trying to lose weight this time. The trigger might have been me tipping the scale at 265+ and seeing 270 on the horizon. Whatever the f***ing reason was I'm glad I did.
PS. I didn't mean to get all introspective and serious, but it happens from time to time.
PSS. F*** you diary.
PSSS. F*** you Thursday. Maybe if you could get someone to write a song about you things could be different.
Community comes on NBC on thursdays. that's a good thing.