Sunday, June 12, 2011

June 12, Day 97, 239.6 lbs, 39% bf

Dear Diary, 
Man. Had a pretty good day yesterday, though I didn't see it coming. I was out until 2am Friday night and woke up early Saturday to golf with friends. If that wasn't bad enough everyone else had the same idea and the course ran out of carts. Ended up walking 18 holes. Yeah. Real ones this time. Figured I walked at least 5 miles because I was all over the place. Plus it was like I played 2 rounds with all the strokes I took. The whole morning and into the afternoon I only ate a rice cake and trail mix. Finished up the day with a club sandwich and salad. I stole some fries from my buddy but not too many. Got home and finally got some rest. Got up this morning and discovered cookies that TLO made last night. Had one and figured I needed to get I a quick workout. Rode with the EBG and did some sit ups and push ups.   Did good enough to drop below 240 for the first time... Hell. Since I don't know when. Needless to say I'm happy. Couldn't have done this with out you buddy. Actually I could have. So f*** you. 

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